Discrimination Hurts

The gay advocate will claim that racism hurts other people, but that being gay doesn't.

They are wrong. Racists reject other people for jobs, housing, and educational opportunities based on a persons race, and that hurts people. But it is not racism that causes the hurt, it is the rejection, or in other words, the discrimination that hurts.

Gays can also discriminate against non-gays. Anyone can discriminate based on any reason. It is discrimination that hurts other people, not racist feelings.


  1. So it follows then that being non-gays can discriminate against gays because anyone can discriminate based on any reason...Which is exactly what you are doing.

    Also, I agree that racists (the persons) should not be the ones discriminated against but the very belief of racism. If we are to base this on facts and facts alone, we can honestly say that racism has caused much more grief than say gay people. Indeed, straight people have caused more grief to gay people than gay people have ever caused their straight bethren.

    SMH at the absurdity of it all.

  2. Yes, discrimination hurts. Well spotted! Anyone can discriminate against anyone according to whatever criteria they choose. Have you not noticed how hard homosexuals fight against discrimination for everybody? For women, for the disabled, for racial minorities, for anyone despised simply for being what they are? WE KNOW HOW IT FEELS.
