
Gays may try to defend themselves from the accusation that they are the same as racists, and that they fear people different from themselves, by turning the argument around. They may argue that perhaps straight people suffer from a fear of sexual intimacy with people of their own gender because this type of intimacy is different than what they are accustomed.

However, this argument requires perverting the definition of sexuality. Sexuality is by definition procreative and it's suppose to be mutually pleasurable. Homosexual acts are neither. If the definition of sexuality is perverted to mean any pleasure experienced by a persons sexual anatomy, then anything related to sexuality can be defended.

Of course racists pervert the definition of humanity for the purpose of justifying their beliefs. The racists say that the differences between the races are indications of inferiority or even sub-human status. And by perverting the definition of humanity in this way, they can justify segregation, discrimination, and slavery of the races they fear.

Perverting the definition of race or sexuality is an easy way to justify almost any feeling or behavior no matter how undesirable or limiting.


  1. Here I go again.

    First of all (again), the definition of human sexuality is subjective. Therefore, yes, it is subject to being "perverted" if that's the way you would like to put it. It's subject to change.

    In your line of argument, you are saying that homosexuality is neither procreative nor mutually pleasurable. Yes, it cannot create new life - that is a fact. That it's not mutually pleasurable is something that is to be argued with. Have you experienced gay sex to really know such a thing? Sometimes, straight sex too is not mutually pleasurable so it goes to say that their sexuality is also perverted. See how your argument actually can be turned against you.

    What you actually do in this blog is to justify your views on gay people by relating it to a very different thing which is racism. The very difference between racists and gay people is that racists use perverted definition of humanity to discriminate against the races they dislike; I don't know many, if there are at all, gay people who use their "perverted" definition of sexuality to discriminate against straight people. I would object to people who discrimate against others because of sex, race, or whatever. But the very thing is that racists by nature are called such when they act upon their dislike of the other race, when they discriminate; only when these gay people discriminate (when I say discriminate, I mean to treat these people badly - you might say that not being involved with the other sex is discrimination in itself but I digress) against straight people can you say thatthey are indeed like racists.

  2. Thank you for your input. But I think you are analyzing the argument while you write. After you give the argument more consideration, I think you will find the rational conclusion to be that homosexuality and racism are the same thing. And that's OK, as long people don't advocate them as good things.

  3. '...this argument requires perverting the definition of sexuality. Sexuality is by definition procreative and it's suppose[d] to be mutually pleasurable. Homosexual acts are neither. If the definition of sexuality is perverted to mean any pleasure experienced by a persons sexual anatomy, then anything related to sexuality can be defended.'

    THE definition of sexuality? Where do you get that definition from? Sex with women involved no pleasure for me - I did it under pressure to conform. Sex with men, on the other hand, is for me brotherly, reinforcing, loving and lusty. Total mutual pleasure. I know straights feel this too, and I am delighted for them. I want everyone to enjoy their own idae of sexual pleasure, so long as it doeas not involve forcing others.
